Interim Ministry Toolbox

What is the emphasis during the time you work with a church during the interim?

My aim is to work with the church to get individuals and the church more healthy and aware of opportunities for growth in their relationship with Jesus, each other, and the next preacher.

  1. Observation.
  2. Self-examination.
  3. Application of biblical principles.
  4. The practice of those principles in large and small group settings.

I led my first Interim Ministry Workshop at the Charlotte Heights Church of Christ in Nashville, Tennessee, September 21-23, 2017.

One of the participants, Roger Leonard, suggested I develop a page on my website, Between Preachers, giving many of the tools I mentioned in the workshop. I told him and the rest of the people in the workshop I’d work on it.

Not long before the second workshop at Heritage Christian University in Florence, Alabama, conducted March 14-16, 2023, I prepared and posted the toolbox pages.

I’m sharing the results with you. Sharing these doesn’t mean you should do interim ministry as I do. I’m sharing the way I do it. These are some of the tools I use.

  • Try not to learn very much.
  • Use the trash basket for what isn’t helpful to you.

Hover over Interim Ministry Tools with your mouse. There will be three dropdown menu items. Click on each section to open the page.

Three sections in Interim Ministry Tools


Family Rules

Suggested Books

Other Tools

Interim Ministry Sermons

There are several sermons I preach

There are a few series.

There are individual sermons.

Interim Classes

This page outlines my classes on Sunday morning and Wednesday night.

You may find a “mustard seed” that’ll be helpful.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you have questions.
(615) 584-0512

(Visited 235 times, 14 visits today)
Jerrie Barber
Disciple of Jesus, husband, grandfather, preacher, barefoot runner, ventriloquist

One Response to “Interim Ministry Toolbox

  • Jerry Stumpf
    2 years ago

    As usual, you are serving the brotherhood to equip other servants! Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.