Interim Ministry Workshop, Spring 2024, Heritage Christian University, Florence, Alabama

We had a great Interim Ministry Workshop March 14-16 at Heritage Christian University. The eight people participating were five preachers and three preachers’ wives. I haven’t reported with pictures because some of the preachers weren’t ready to communicate that they may want to do interim ministry.

Two reviews of the workshop:

One thing that stood out to me was setting up group rules. As a PK teacher I always did this with my class, but I haven’t thought about it with adults at church. Looking back, I can see many times where I expected too much of others who did not live by or even know my “unspoken rules.” Also, the experiences that you and Gail shared about your different ministries were very helpful. I also like how the workshop was set up for sharing experiences and ideas with each other. I loved the emphasis on communiction…so needed everywhere and especially in the church!

The workshop was very practical, Biblical and interesting. I left feeling connected and inspired. — preachers wife

* * *

I loved it all!

This is something every minister needs!

If you are 20 and in your first work or 90 and in your last work you need to take the time to spend it with Jerrie Barber in this workshop! — Travis Harmon, Heritage Christian University

We are planning the next Interim Ministry Workshop for the Spring of 2024. We’ll meet on the campus of Heritage Christian University, 3625 Helton Drive, Florence, Alabama 35630.

To take advantage of this opportunity:

Subscribe to one or both of my blogs. I will be announcing the details in the fall.

The cost is

1. $300.00 for preachers

2. $150.00 for spouses.

3. $100.00 for alumni (those who attended the 2017 or 2023 workshop).

  • There is a minimum and a maximum number of participants:
  • The minimum for the course to be conducted is one.
  • If no one shows up, I won’t talk.
  • The maximum is 20 people. We’ll be doing group sessions.
  • Twenty will be the limit.

The concepts we’ll discuss will be good training for any preacher and his wife. Gail and I had an introductory course in 1996. We underwent Interim Ministry Network training in 1998–1999, seven years before I started interim ministry. I took a refresher course in March 2007 before starting an interim ministry in May. The training and what I learned helped me during those last years of full-time ministry.

Preachers’ wives are encouraged but not required to attend this workshop. Gail and I went for training together.


Tuesday, March 14, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 15, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 16, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.


  • The story of our journey to interim ministry.
  • Family Systems, the framework of working with groups.
  • The work of the interim preacher is to guide and coach a process.
  • Contracts, the opportunity to clarify expectations and objections to written contracts.
  • Compensation for an interim.
  • Making contacts, getting the word out that you’re available for interim ministry.
  • Rules.
  • Initial Family Meeting.
  • Projects.
  • Preaching during the interim.
  • The interim’s wife — discussion, Q & A with Gail.
  • The Search — training those who will be searching for the new preacher.
  • The Preacher.
  • When you don’t need an interim.
  • Conflict management. 

For more information, contact me:


Call or text: (615) 584-0512

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Jerrie Barber
Disciple of Jesus, husband, grandfather, preacher, barefoot runner, ventriloquist

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