Where Do You Live as an Interim?

People ask about where we live in our interim work. “Do you drive an RV?”

We don’t drive an RV. Here are our living situations at each interim. We’ve have had a good place to live in all eight locations. God and the brethren have provided for us abundantly.

  1. Eddyville, Kentucky. They had a house next to the building. We first told them we’d bring our clothes and computer. We asked them to provide everything else. They did: furniture, dishes, even forks, and spoons. After Gail and I discussed it, we decided to buy a mattress with a bed frame. That is the main piece of furniture we carry with us.
  2. In Hendersonville, Tennessee, we first thought we’d live in our house across town in Nashville. Gail said it would be difficult for her to be involved in ladies’ classes, visitation, and other activities. We rented an apartment about a mile from the building. With $300.00, Gail furnished our apartment with furniture from thrift stores. We didn’t know where and if we were going anywhere after finishing in Hendersonville. We gave our furniture away.
  3. When we went to Collegeside in Cookeville, Tennessee, we planned to buy more furniture. The secretary, Ginny Henson, asked if we would list our needs in the bulletin. Members could loan us what they had. We could buy the rest. When we arrived, our apartment was furnished. When we left, the brethren picked up their furniture and we went to LaVergne — except the Bill Harris who loaned two recliners gave them to us. He was through with them and they were better than ours in Nashville.
  4. At LaVergne, Tennessee, David Waldron showed us several apartments — some he and his partners owned and some others. We decided on one in one of his complexes. He said the only one in that size was the display apartment we saw. We could use any of the furniture in the display. They’d move and store furniture we didn’t need. They moved the beds out and we used the rest.
  5. In Maury City, Tennessee, the church had a preacher’s house on the same lot as the building. We borrowed furniture and left it when we finished.
  6. We went to Northside Jeffersonville, Indiana. Childplace children’s home joins the church property. On the back of that property, 0.2 miles from the church building, Childplace has seven houses for older people. They waved the age rule 😉 and permitted us to rent one of those houses while we were there. Brethren loaned us furniture and removed it when we left.
  7. Shady Acres Sikeston, Missouri was our next stop. Steve Turnbow and Mark Smith showed us several apartments, houses, and duplexes. We decided on a duplex. Again, brethren loaned us furniture for our use during our work there.
  8. We are now working with River Road church 1.5 miles from our house in Nashville. We’re sleeping in our own bed and using our own furniture for the first time in about twelve years.

In every place, with every congregation, our brothers and sisters have loaned, given, shared, and encouraged in every way. My standard answer when people ask how my interim work is going is: “I’ve never met an interim I didn’t like.” We didn’t have this worked out when we started. Every place and opportunity has shown us the Lord and our Christian family will provide our every need and more.

What questions or observations do you have about interim ministry?


(Visited 167 times, 1 visits today)
Jerrie Barber
Disciple of Jesus, husband, grandfather, preacher, barefoot runner, ventriloquist

6 Responses to “Where Do You Live as an Interim?

  • Travis Irwin
    6 years ago

    Your willingness to move and stay in other people’s homes is commendable and says that BOTH you and Gail are willing to make personal sacrifices for the good of others. I think you both show wisdom is taking your own bed. I’m sure you have met some remarkable people and have created many wonderful memories. You’ve probably seen a lot of neat things wherever you’ve been. I thank God for you and Gail. May the Lord continue to bless you with good health and many more good years of service.

  • I agree with Travis as you must have many great memories and you are a wonderful serving couple. We enjoyed meeting you in person and it helped us get back to full time work in North Beckley, WV! We thought we had retired but God had other plans. Your insights and kindness were very encouraging.

    • Jerry,

      It is good to hear from you. I’m sure you and the brethern at North Beckley are blessed by your work together.

  • Shirley Braden
    6 years ago

    Your work may be called an interim ministry, but you leave the congregation with continuing appreciation for your time with us. Our benefits and your rewards are eternal! Thank you for sharing your lives, your wisdom, and your hearts with us! The Bradens love you both!

    • Shirley,

      Thank you for your comments.

      Gail and I enjoyed our time at Shady Acres. It continues to bless us.

      I appreciate your encouragement while we were there and now.