Goodbye to Shady Acres

We are bringing our work at Shady Acres to a close. The church gave us a great anniversary and going away party Sunday.

Gail and I have profited and enjoyed our time in Sikeston. Missouri. The elders, members, and people of the community have treated us kindly.

Keith Olbricht will begin his work next Sunday, September 2.

Thank you to the Shady Acres elders for this letter of recommendation.

(Visited 154 times, 28 visits today)
Jerrie Barber
Disciple of Jesus, husband, grandfather, preacher, barefoot runner, ventriloquist

4 Responses to “Goodbye to Shady Acres

  • Adam Noles
    6 years ago

    Thank you for blessing our area, Jerrie.

    • Adam,

      Gail and I have enjoyed our time in SEMO.

      Thank you for your leadership in the 2nd Monday Workshop.

  • wtomhall
    6 years ago

    Glad to hear the arrangement was beneficial. Where do you go next?