Anniversary Visit to Northside
When I leave an interim church, I promise not to show up for a year. I’m involved in another interim and the new preacher needs to get acclimated to that church without interruption. Somewhere near the anniversary, we return for a visit and evaluation.
Gail and I enjoyed our weekend in Jeffersonville, Indiana, February 2-4. Brent and Suzanne Roberts were gracious hosts in their home. Garrick Fields and I enjoyed an eight-mile run at the Big 4 Bridge Saturday morning. We met with the elders Saturday afternoon and received several suggestions for improving our ministry. It was good to see everyone Sunday morning.
I appreciate the letter of recommendation Landon Samuel wrote on behalf of the elders:
You can see a PDF of the letter: Letter of Recommendation
Read individual evaluations many completed when we left a year ago: Reviews of Jerrie and Gail’s Interim Ministry
Gail and I were blessed by our year and a half with the brethren there. We thank them for their invitation to work with them and wish them the best in their continued service to the Lord. Cory, Laura Beth Lamb, and their children have located there and everything I hear about their ministry is good.
The church has appointed additional elders and is in the process of appointing additional deacons. I see from reading on Facebook and their bulletin they’re making improvements to their building. The excitement we saw during our visit was encouraging. It was good to see new people who have come to Northisde in the months since we left.
Jerrie, It appears to me your ministry has “missed the mark” from what you told me was your intent. If you remember, you said that it seems after a preacher stays a while, the next preacher has a difficult time and is not very well liked. Here is your quote as I remember it, “I want to be that preacher nobody likes”… It appears to me everybody likes you…. On the serious side… congratulations for a great and needed work. You, no doubt have been an encouragement and inspiration to many. You married well and she truly has been your “helpmeet”… I remember the first sermon you shared with me when you were a student at Freed, “Brethern, This Applies To Us”… -Leroy
Thank you. Gail and I are throughly enjoying our work. We get to meet and interact with thousands of Christians. They’ve been gracious to us.
Gail is an important part of the work. When we get ready to leave, people, say to me, “We’ll miss you. We’re going to keep Gail.” One of the elders here said, “We’ve received more compliments about Gail than about you.”
You and Jane were Gail’s last houseparents at Childhaven. You’ve been an encouragement to me since I met you.