What Do I Do First Today?


Where do I need to start this morning? What are some things I want to do every day as a part of my morning routine?
What’s the most important thing for today?
What follows that?
If I get my most important things finished, what are some other things I can do next?

I’ve been making to-do lists for decades. I used DayTimer for years. Every morning I rewrote what I failed to finish the day before.

When Handspring and Palm Pilot came, not having to copy unfinished items was a time saver.

When I bought my iPhone, I used several apps. The best I’ve found is Things 3.

It’s easy. Tap the + button at the bottom of the screen, and add an item. When you think of something you need to do a week from now, add the item and connect with the date on the calendar.

Everything unfinished today appears tomorrow. If you want to delay for two days, tap the calendar and go to the preferred date.

Items on the list are easy to rearrange. Place your finger on the item and drag it up or down to the order you would like to do it.

When you’re finished, tap the Completed button — it will disappear.

Or when you’re finished and you need to do the same task next week, tap on the date button and select the next time you need to do this task.

If you want to look ahead for future events and tasks, tape the Upcoming button and view the next day, month, or as far ahead as you’ve planned.

It’s simple.
It’s attractive.
It’s the best organizer I’ve ever used.
It’s $10.00 for the iPhone. They also have apps for iPad and Mac. I only use it on my phone.
To learn more: https://culturedcode.com/things/

What have you found helpful to organize your day and your life?


(Visited 51 times, 2 visits today)
Jerrie Barber
Disciple of Jesus, husband, grandfather, preacher, barefoot runner, ventriloquist

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