Third Interim Ministry Workshop

Thank you to Heritage University for providing the place and encouragement for Interim Ministry Workshop #3. Free housing was available, and the Coil Center was a comfortable and well-equipped place to study. They also gave us a delicious lunch each day. Travis Harmon was an excellent coordinator.

For many years, I’ve said I must have a minimum number of participants to preach or lead a workshop. It’s stated in the advertisement for the workshop;

•   The minimum for the course to be conducted is one.
•   If no one shows up, I won’t talk.

I’d never had it happen before — until this year. Bill Brinkley sent in his registration soon after the workshop was announced. The week before, Bill called and suggested not do the workshop. I said we’d advertised if one person showed up, we’d have the workshop.

It was a great week. Bill did his homework by reading books, and he participated well. Gail was there to give her perspective on interim ministry and tell how she’s been active in the churches we served. Although he was in the workshop last year, Travis Harmon attended some sessions.

We had two students who came for a few hours.

We’ve discussed having the workshop again next year.

If you’re interested, send me an email: .

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Jerrie Barber
Disciple of Jesus, husband, grandfather, preacher, barefoot runner, ventriloquist

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