Digital Tools for Today’s Shepherds

Since March 1985, I’ve been blessed by using a computer to help me in my work as a preacher. It’s amazing the difference between word processors, apps, and websites and the manual typewriter.

Recently, I was with the West Side Church of Christ in Elkton, Kentucky. New Shepherds Orientation #21

Doug Gregory, the preacher at West Side, introduced me to his new project. Doug is trained in computers, developing websites, and tools that can be helpful to elders.

Here’s how Doug describes some of his work for the past few months:

With Good Shepherd Systems it is my desire to “Help Shepherds Be Better In The Digital Age”. We can do that in a few different ways. 

One way is by creating or updating a website for the local congregation, another is by helping a congregation setup online streaming for their services, but my main focus with Good Shepherd Systems is to build elders a digital toolbox to help them shepherd the flock. The staff and rod are tools of the trade for shepherds of sheep, but in our world the primary tool found in a elder’s hand is a cell phone. 

Why not use that device alongside tablets and laptops to care for and shepherd the members of our local congregations? 

Good Shepherd Systems has developed a website called ServeWell, that turn our devices into tools to help us edify and equip the saints.

Please check out the sites below.

Website: Good Shepherd Systems

Introduction Video For Good Shepherd Systems

Demo of ServeWell Website

Facebook Good Shepherd Systems

Contact me. I will walk you through these tools and answer questions about how this can be helpful to you in your service to the Lord and his church.

Doug Gregory: Email: Doug Gregory

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Jerrie Barber
Disciple of Jesus, husband, grandfather, preacher, barefoot runner, ventriloquist

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