Reviews of Jerrie and Gail’s Interim Ministry

Reviews from Shady Acres Church of Christ, Sikeston, Missouri, April 2017-August 2018

SA 1


Amazing stories and has had great lessons every Sunday and Wednesday

Name withheld by request

Reviews from Northside Church of Christ, Jeffersonville, Indiana
September 2015 – February 2017

N 1


Our retiring minister and his wife had a remarkable and sustained tradition of service to both our congregation and the community for 30 years.

I’m sure it goes without saying that not many interim ministers and their wife could face these challenges with the successful and verifiable history that Jerrie and Gail Barber’s interim ministry offers.


Jerrie’s presentation and knowledge on “how to go about marketing Northside Church of Christ” coupling his on-going direction and success in no time developed almost 90 resume’s seeking our position!


Only that Jerrie’s and Gail’s work here with Northside will soon be completed — and they will be missed!!


— Daryl Wade

N 2


Jerrie and Gail are a wonderful Christian couple. They bring a refreshing “back to the Bible” approach to worship services and Bible studies. They are an encouraging influence to live as Christians are taught in the scriptures.




Straight forward (you won’t have to wonder what either of them are thinking)



— Dayna Couch

N 3


Jerrie, I think it was a blessing for Northside when the elders invited you and Gale to come and be our interim preacher and help us through our time of need. You are an exceptional and unique couple and very dedicated to you work. It shows how much you love the Lord and how much you want to help your brothers and sisters in Christ. Also, how much you want to bring others to Christ. I have enjoyed your teachings and fellowship and knowing about you both. I wish you great things in helping other churches. We have enjoyed some good times.



Some of your meetings with elders and office staff could have been shorter.


Name withheld by request

N 4


Didn’t know what to think at first. I like your “no nonsense” approach. No name calling, only sincere, heaven-bound concerns of each other, not nit-picking.

If it’s your opinion, you say so. I have not thought about “liking criticism”! But if we truly can learn to not feel “attacked,” we can allow it to make us stronger.

Both of you, Jerrie & Gail getting “fully” involved with every part of Northside is a great example. I truly appreciate you both. I’m very thankful our elders brought you to us. I think we could use you longer. You’ve been a blessing.




— Patty Fordyce

N 5


Covered everything a little


Raise desire to learn more



Name withheld by request

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— Samuel Fordyce

N 7


1. Jerrie and Gail roll up their sleeves and get involved.

2. Jerrie connects with all ages.

3. His lessons are biblically sound and practical tor issues in the church end everyday life.

4. He is organized.

5. Positive attitude.




— Mark and Karen West

N 8

Jerry and Gail have done an excellent job working with our congregation. They truly are a husband and wife team. He interacts with all ages — the young kids like his “High Fives”!!

Jerry’s excellent Biblical sermons. He obviously studies the Word and puts it into practice as well as presenting it effectively.

Gail is also an excellent Bible class teacher for ladies’ classes. She also has been involved with the various activities for the ladies.

They are leaving us!

— Norma Roberts

N 9


I appreciate your efforts to make us a better congregation.

After I got past your many quirks rules and repetition, I found your steady message was good, timely and biblical.
It was clearly visible when you both (Jerrie & Gail) of you put your talents to work in several different areas. It’s helpful to see fellow workers/leaders help out. Specifically in serving our community meal. My heart was made happy to see Jerrie carry food boxes and to see Gail coordinate several meals. “Leadership” in front by actually involvement! Both of you are true servants of God in these areas.



Jerrie, Please nail down your views clearer in Bible class.


— Bill Mendenhall

N 10

Overall the experience was very beneficial. Lessons (sermons) centered in Christ and grounded in the gospels.

Process (transition team) Good sources (secular books)

Perhaps more examples using Christ as the example in the transition team discussions. Also more prayer time especially after each transition team meeting.
Class structure — large group was not conducive to Sunday A.M. class, getting comments heard during class needed to be improved — perhaps a mike although that may be more time consuming.
I’d suggest that the Sunday A.M. Class or Wed. Night class be closer together so people can hear better.

— Dorrel Harrison

N 11

I will miss you. I believe the interim between Conrad & our new minister benefitted by having you here. Pray for our future. God be with you & Gail.

Both of you are people oriented. Friendly & well liked. Founded in Bible principles. I trust you!

I am not fond of committees. (remainder omitted because of identifiable references)

— Olin R. Pegg

N 12

You two have been a terrific example and encouragement to me in your time here. I’ve seen you be sincere, level-headed, accepting (even inviting) of criticism in order to grow and improve, humble, gentle and kind-hearted. I believe that any church you work with on an extended basis will be better for having you there.

You (Jerrie) are the most disciplined person I’ve ever known and it’s inspiring to hear your accomplishments. I appreciate your lesson on self-discipline, especially because I know you practiced those principles in your own life. Gail is kind, gentle and tender-hearted. She taught ladies class and did many behind-the-scenes acts of kindness that probably went unnoticed by some.

The Sunday morning Bible class was in the auditorium and the acoustics were such that it was difficult to hear class members when they read scripture or made a comment.

— Vikki Stemler

N 13

You both have been very good for this congregation. The in-depth teachings from the Bible has been priceless.

The participation in all facets of the congregation has set a good example to follow.

A suggestion — after receiving 50 or so applications for a minister, vet quickly in order not to lose good prospects.

Name withheld by request

N 14


Very grateful for your coming. Many great ideas were shared and teaching provided.


Teaching and sharing wisdom from Bible study and popular writings. Use of more committees and focus groups got more people involved in leadership than ever. This allowed people to give more input and be more “in charge.”

Barefoot running, participating in all good works of the church, Bible memorization promoted, positive & loving.


  1. Process is difficult to articulate to the whole congregation. Many didn’t seem to get it.
  2. Use of Biblical conflict resolution was stressed from pulpit and class but the T.M.T. concept was not in keeping with this. It encouraged fold to speak anonymously to help communicate. This also seemed to keep the pot stirred behind the scenes.


— Scott Fertig

N 15


He is a wonderful communicator of God’s Word.


He is very visual helping the congregation to remember his lessons. He is equally good with adults and children. He and Gail always found a way to be available and helpful for all ministries. They know how to roll up their sleeves to help others. I saw them as ‘walking the walk’ and ‘talking the talk’.


None that I am aware of…never witnessed negativity.


— Linda M. Ogg

N 16


Jerrie & Gail are the best available. “Thank you God for them.”


They are excellent in every way.




Name withheld by request

N 17


  • Informative
  • According to the Bible
  • Brings a wealth of knowledge


  • Willing to hear other point of view
  • Makes you think about your own walk with God
  • Makes you think about your own walk with God



Name withheld by request

N 18


I have enjoyed having you all with us! Both of you are interesting people and a joy to be around! I like that you just jumped right in and got to know members in the congregation so well.


Bible based lessons

Great sermons — plenty of scripture — easy to understand and follow

Noticeable preparation

Remarkable organization of material



— Lindsay R. Coombs

N 19


Good teachers of the word. Explains it so I can understand.


Taught the word



— Lynn Grant

N 20

Jerrie and Gail Barber are a wonderful ministry team — faithful, dedicated, flexible, and proactive. They became part of our church family day 1 and have led and served throughout their 18 months with us.

Jerrie is an insightful and effective teacher and preacher. His vast and varied experiences qualify him for his role as an interim minister. He as an extraordinary ability to bring multiple groups and diverse interests together.

I’m not sure I can identify any significant “cons” to the interim ministry of Jerrie & Gail Barber. The “con” is that our congregation found itself in need of their services. They helped provide solutions and direction as we navigated the perilous waters of transition and change. Many have traveled this course before us, but it was a new journey for us. Jerrie served as our guide, and helped keep us on course to a good place.

— Landon Samuel

N 21

Jerrie & Gail came at a crucial time at Northside but He quickly began laying the groundwork and rules and endeared himself to the youngest babies up to our seniors. He related to all ages! Gail is the sweetest, most thoughtful and supporting, as she encourages, uplifts, and inspires us all. Jerry & Gail are humble servants, dynamic leaders, have vast experiences and not only knowledgeable in God’s word but in teaching valuable “life lesson. You will be wowed by his abilities and uniqueness — you’ll be blessed! I personally could have done better in expressing how very special they are and are loved. God bless you in your transition!

There honestly aren’t any, other than the fact we can’t keep them as a part of our church family. But that would be selfish of us because their ministry is vital to other congregations as it was to us! You’ll want to keep them too! God bless!

— Sherry Samuel

N 22

Jerrie & Gail were extremely (involved from day one setting a great example in being involved in the church, from our community meals to hosting the Network (youth group). Whatever it was, they were there.

Jerrie brought a lot of good, new ideas in minister search, other committees, committee rules, and a different way to look at things. His organization was also key. Jerrie did a great job challenging each of us individually to grow more in a very encouraging way.


— DonJay Rice

N 23

Jerrie and Gail Barber are very kind, funny, and inspirational people. I enjoyed Jerrie’s sermons and both were very kin to the your group got involved in the activities the church had.

Very helpful
Got involved
Role models

I’m scared of puppets

— Leah Baumann

N 24

We lo♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡e Jerrie and Gail Barber. They are TERRIFIC and AMAZING. They are a blessing to our church.

– He is a phenomenal preacher and a great man.
– Only made me fall asleep once
– Amazing hand motions
– Knows scripture very well
– Runs barefoot
– Very good biscuits (Gail)

– Do not know when you are praying (We only thought of one)
– Leah doesn’t like your puppet

— Jackson Eddy and Chase Waters


N 25

We have been truly blessed to have you. Thank you for all you have done and taught us. I am very emotional about you leaving and wish you could stay. You have inspired and challenged me in so many ways.

Very wise and scriptural. Relates the Bible to everyday life. Loves kids. Honest & trustworthy. Does not force his opinion, rather, encourages to find our own.

Leaving. Irreplaceable!

— Stephanie Graves

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Amazing leader for all the Network and outstanding Christian.
Great lesson, easy to listen and relate to.

— Lucy Cooper

N 27

The lessons Jerrie has presented are thorough, precise, informative & biblically accurate. Jerrie stresses & explains the motivating grace of the Holy Spirit. We are better for his dedicate service & commitment

The fact Jerrie talks about being runner who enjoys his time of accomplishment

There must be a certain preparation process & ample warmup & stretching time! Diversification

— William H. Hayden, Jr.

N 28

Thank you for your time spent with us at Northside. I think you’re fulfilling an important niche in the work of the Lord’s church. We love you and will truly miss you going forward.

I received many mustard seeds from listening and interacting with you during your time here. Your messages are thought provoking, yet simple enough for all Christians to appreciate. I was especially motivated you your words expressed after running. Life truly is a race we have gut a limited time to run. Your example drives me to be a better man, husband, father, and Christian.

I have no criticism for you.

— Bryan Graves

N 29

We’ve enjoyed having Jerrie & Gail with us here.

They are an awesome team. They relate with all ages.


— Bonnie Maultsby


N 30

A wonderful experience!
Excellent Bible teaching!

Entire congregational involvement.

Cost (double salaries)

— Gale Dunlap


N 31

Rating 4 1/2 stars…because you’re not dead yet and until we’re dead God’s still working on us and in our lives so there has to be slight room for improvement, although, I truly feel you have perfected and mastered the interim ministry!

You came in & immediately read the rules..there was no question or doubt as to your role and what was not to be your role. The guidelines, expectations, communication, etc. were clear, to the point, and understood by all. In every way and every day you remained a great example, professional, and fully confident in God’s plan. You have an open living heart, and seek to challenge others in their walk and purposefully intentionally allow others to come to their own decisions and determinations. Your maturity and wisdom exude in such a way that one can’t help but be drawn closer to Him and seek His face all the more diligently. I am deeply saddened to see you all go, but I know your work here on earth is not done and how selfish to think we could keep you or shouldn’t send you on to bless others. Jerrie & Gail, you are some of the most beautiful people I know and I thank God for allowing our paths to cross. What a wonderful 18 months our family has had to serve and worship with you. We’ll eagerly anticipate your visit in a year and even more so the eternity we’ll share together forever. Many blessings and love.


Name withheld by request


N 32

Their ministry is an important one; I wish more people saw the importance on the front end rather than the back end.

Jerrie has so much applicable knowledge/information regarding transitions, interim ministry, and ministry/church relationships in general — but he offers it rather than forcing it on anyone.

They’ll leave even though you don’t want them to.

— Jenny Towns


N 33

When Jerrie & Gail came to Northside, trust had already been broken. I believe that they were the best to try & heal the congregation.

The interim ministry was the place to start for healing of the congregation.

In the transition team, the elders need to be more involved with the members of the team. They also need more involvement with the selection team, if that is truly needed.

— Peggy Harper



N 34

I think personally that based on how far along Northside was with the issue of how things were being done, the process went about as well as it could.

The information and leadership by Jerrie was a very positive experience.

Not sure the idea of a selection committee is the best way to handle the process.

— Charles Harper


N 35

Jerrie, you and Gail have impacted the church here in a great way. I always look forward to your sermons. You have taught us to always look for the “mustard seed” in everything we read or hear.

You and Gail instantly became a part of the church here and have been a part of all activities from weddings to funerals and everything in-between, (classes, visits, more classes, meals together etc.)

Leaving us! I know you have important work to do elsewhere and I wish you two the best wherever you are.

— Hill



N 36

We (my family) and I have enjoyed having Jerrie & Gail during the interim. I hope they come visit sometimes.

Lesson are interesting and addresses many common concerns in the church. Jerrie and Gail are wonderful people and fit in well with the church here. I’ve learned so much from Jerrie’s lessons.

They’re leaving too soon! We just got to know them, and now they have to go!

— Sharon K.


N 37

It has been such a pleasure getting to know you both. Your sermons and bible classes have been very uplifting and encouraging. Gail’s involvement has also been so refreshing.

Your coming here has made this transition a lot easier for everyone. Getting people involved in different areas of the transition has also been helpful, especially for me. I would recommend this approach for any congregation who is losing their minister for whatever reason. It just gives time for healing and time to search for the next minister to fit the congregation.

One thing that has been very hurtful for me is the lack of importance of keeping things that need to be kept confidential, confidential.
When putting a search committee together, be sure and know the committee members well. This has caused difficulties with our search committee.

Name withheld by request

N 38

Your attitude & love for Christ is very welcoming. Children love you & find you interesting.

I love the way you use the Bible in your classes. You are always well prepared. Gail is a great preacher’s wife to you and relates well/the congregation. The ladies will miss her.

I would like to have you involved in our deacons’ meetings. Encourage search committee to not take as long as they did in our search.

Name withheld by request

We will miss you & Gail. I have enjoyed having you @ NCofC. You will always be welcome back here @ Northside.


N 39

I have come to love and appreciate both Jerrie and Gail. I cannot imagine this process without them.

Very well grounded in faith
Knows his bible and is a good critical thinker
Very organized

Absolutely none

Name withheld by request

(After all-nobody is perfect)

N 40

It has been great getting to know you two!

The vast amount of Scripture you, Jerrie, can quote verbatim!

Maybe a little to much “start on time”?

Name withheld by request


N 41


Admittedly, I had great difficulty accepting the fact Conrad was no longer going to preach. In fact I was not sure I would stay. I did though, and I want to thank you for every day you have spent here helping us. I’ve never seen this idea of a transition minister in practice — brilliant idea. Living over an hour away and corking close to 70 hours a week limits the time I have to be her, but none the less I’m able to say you’ve done a great job in this role & we wish you the best.

You have extremely good communication & leadership skills that are clear & evident in each meeting.

Thank you.




— Jessica Handley

N 42

I appreciate both of you for your dedication to your chosen work. You are fine examples of Christian Servants, and your involvement in every aspect of congregational activity is to be applauded.

Jerrie’s teaching — both in sermons, classes ☆☆☆☆☆
Involvement w/members in counseling & needy situation by J & G.
Friendly with all.
Jerrie’s playtime with children.
Gail’s attention to Ladies’ Class — both teaching & attending.

You have probably spoiled us. You are a very hard act to follow!

— Kathy Harrison